Sunday, January 31, 2010

I just don't get it...??

The grass is always greener on the other side,
people say
Be thankful of what you have,
they too, say
and yet, I agree to both...


i don't get it when people rather choose
the green grass on the other side
than to be thankful of what they have,
and leave...let everything go...

Being alive is just only once,
I hear
Live life to the fullest,
they say
I, too, agree with that


I don't get it when people gets their happiness
by destroying someone else's
just because they want to live their fullest

Spice up your life,
people told me
Be happy and just go for it,
they encourage me


I don't get it when people choose to go for it
but ruin...destroy...what they have

I just don't get it, when people hurt someone they love,
someone who's been there in rough times
and choose to end it

I just don't get it


Friday, January 15, 2010

I Love You

I 'm incomplete without you

L ove came between us
O nce upon a time in when our paths crossed
V iolet will always be with you all the way through
E ven in your low, rough and tough moments in life

Y ou give colors to my life
O n dark nights, you are the light
U nbelievably lucky to have you in my life

~I Love You


Monday, January 11, 2010

two sides of a coin

we are two sides of a coin....

: you hurt, i hurt more
: when you're down, i'm the string that pulls you up
: you bring the best in me
: when you cry, i wipe your tears
: when one of us is in anger, the other would have comfort and calmness

: when i'm down, you cheer me up
: when in doubt, you make it certain
: when my days were blue, you give colours to it
: we are our lights

we are two sides of a coin.....

we won't be us without eachother
and we complete the puzzle

~we are two sides of a coin


Friday, January 1, 2010


Kala hati ternoda
mulut kehilangan kata-kata,
akal kehilangan bijaknya

semua terdiam...

pekat, kelam, tak bernyawa

Kala realita tak bisa dipungkiri
hanya harap dan asa yang dipijak

:tetap tak meguatkan raga

kemelut menyelimuti hati
~sesak, menghimpit
membuat makin tak berdaya